I'm another person born in a 0 year, 1980 to be exact. My birthday is June 16, nearly dead center in the year, so that makes me 23 this time of year. I never lie about my age, though I did routinely until I turned 21. (Never felt the need to lie to make myself 18, but 21 was a whole other story.) Now that I'm "of age" I never lie, but I don't go out of my way to explain either. For example, if I'm with a group of people planning our evening out and someone asks, "Are you 21?" I usually just say yes, since what they are really asking is if I'm 21 or older and therefore able to get into all bars/clubs. I don't feel the need to give them my exact age; they could care less. So I'm sure there are some people out there who think I'm a year or two younger than I am, but I didn't lie out of any need to hide my age. I can't imagine that I ever will. I've never really understood the need to hide one's age.


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen