Another great segment!

Claire was so high up, and it sounded so scary. Then we get the description of the tree, and it sounds like it's gonna be a piece of cake for Jake to go up there after her. And it seems to be, at first, and he is getting her down slowly and steadily.

Then everything falls apart on Jake (again). He is yanked downwards with a terrific jolt, and his heart is yanked just as hard back into feeling... at least for a short while. He almost couldn't hold her, could he? And the bit about how her breathing sounding strange-- what a nightmare, to be dangling almost upside down at least a story above the ground, trying to hold onto your child and having to also worry about whether she'll strangle before you can drag her back up to safety.

Thank goodness he did, and they are both (relatively) safe. Clark is turning into Jake's good samaritan. If Jake's wrist is badly broken, Clark is going to have to take him in for medical help. It doesn't sound like a slap-a-bandaid-on-it kind of injury.

Hmmm. Jake's been referring to Clark as Superman around the kids. Can you see them sitting in the waiting area, addressing him as Superman? goofy No, Clark's a father-- he'd try to find someone to watch the kids while he takes Jake to a hospital, maybe...

Again, I loved the very subtle touches of humor-- Jake's fleeting thought as to how Superman can stand Metropolis. Baxter, and Claire's description of Clark and Annie "looking for" the "cat", and the bit about how kids slam doors and there hadn't been a slam. *sigh* the ONE time you'd actually WANT your kids to slam the door...

TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler