I've always said that I'm not too huge a fan of the first-person narrative, but between you and Pam and a few others, I've decided I need to change my mind about it. What a fantastic idea to have a story narrated by a character we've never met before, struggling through an impossible situation.
Thank you smile Writing in first person was somewhat of an experiment for me. I've found it extremely fun and challenging. The idea of writing a L&C story from an original character first came to me when I was writing the prologue for WAM, which involved a third person skit from the eyes of a character named Janice Forrester.

Yet, somehow, I can't help but get the feeling that the ordinary guy needs saving himself...
There's foreshadowing about Jake's past... sounds like this isn't the first time he's dealing with something like this
Yes, this will not be a one-sided rescue operation smile

While I sit here on the edge of my seat and bite my nails, I'll just note that Claire lost her "e" once:
Oooh, thank you for the catch! I've corrected it in my master copy, I appreciate your good eyes, I must have read over that a thousand times and didn't see it wink

Thank you all so much smile I'm thrilled you're all hooked and eager! Also thanks for the feedback on my Samaritan trailer smile

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.