Definitely worth the read, Erin, and of course I'd love to see more. Wendy does have a point that we saw a good amount of Clark's POV in this story (from his reactions and the knowledge that he's Superman) and we also know the outcome, but if you can find enough new material to make a new story (it's possible, and I have faith in you), then I'd love to see it! Oh, and, like Wendy said, his reaction to being asked out to dinner, too...

This one was very sweet and fun. Lighthearted, WAFFy, and short. Just the way I like 'em. smile It's also original. I wouldn't be surprised to see it pop up on this year's WAFFy and/or Super Short noms list.

As for the title, I like the one you have now. I think I'd like to see a different title for Clark's story, though. He already knows he's in love, and he's holding back, not cheating. The title does still hold true for him, but I wonder if there's a better one for his side. I'd have to see the story, though.

Anyway, great story! Thanks for sharing. smile


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.