Okay, I HAVE to respond to this one since I have (in my opinion) a perfectly reasonable explanation that I covered in detail in Chapter 6 of The Return of Ultra Woman .

Consider any time that Superman moves at super speed. The g-forces on anything and anyone he is carrying would instantly crush the object or kill the person for reasons essentially the same as explored in this clip. People and objects can only survive being moved at (accelerated quickly up to) super speed if they are somehow insulated from the g-forces while they are in contact with Superman.

For ROUW I borrowed from EE Smith and the Lensman books and used neutralization of momentum. If I understand the real science correctly, this could be achieved in real life if there were some mechanism to remove or reduce the Higgs field interaction of matter. That is what I used in ROUW.

So, here is the argument:
1. The movie Superman can move at super speed carrying something.
2. The person or thing he is carrying survives their exposure to super speed.
3. Therefore, anything in contact with Superman while he is using his powers is subject to neutralization of momentum.
4. Therefore, the g-forces on movie Lois when she was caught were zero no matter what the relative speeds were a microsecond before Superman and Lois came into physical contact.

Those guys in "Big Bang Theory" need to study their Physics a little more closely.

Ducking back into the phantom lurker world where I’ve been searching for my long-missing muse.
