I was at work in Parsippany, NJ about 25 miles east of the city. Many of my friends had family who worked at or near the WTC or who took the subway that stopped at the WTC station. They were all waiting by their phones waiting for a call, fortunatly everyone was ok. My friend and his son were on separate subway trains heading into the WTC station. Kevin was hit by debris coming from the second tower as he was making his way onto the street, looking for his son. They finally found each other and were both fine, except for gash on Kevin's head.

I will never forget seeing a coworker (from New Zealand) run past our cubicles faster than I have ever seen him run and dash into his car. He had just learned that his neighbor was on an upper floor and he rushed to console their family.

I drove to the blood center to donate platelets and could see the smoke and dust rising from NYC. The news was on while we donated, it was a very somber donation center.