Wow. Leela, this story just continues to leave me salivating for more. You've put a tragic twist on the alternate universe that we saw so briefly and made it so poignant yet so believable. And who would have thought that this much progress could be made in a year? I used to murmur "Poor Clark" after reading every installment. I don't do that anymore... smile .

There were so many lines and thoughts that really struck me while I was reading it - I'll be quoting half the segment if I were to pull them out now. I like the light touches that you put into both of their thoughts as well, particularly this from Lois:
Damn those engineers who designed caller ID. Don’t they know that they've screwed up teenage daters everywhere? It's part of dating history to hastily hang up the phone in fear, after calling someone you really like.
My dating years are long behind me, so I'd never thought of that...

And I'm so glad that Lois was able to deal with the nightmare thing so well. If that had come out only a short time before, it would probably have been a major disaster, but now...

Now they're communicating. This is progress. This is wonderful. [Linked Image]


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5