Sometimes you have to reread from the beginning to find interesting plot points:

“Just as sure as death and taxes,” the man groaned. “And Lois, really. I read through hundreds of pages of this drivel- not much else for me to do during my most recent incarceration- and you got it wrong. It clearly states here...” He waved a book under their noses, “'I waited all night. The sun was rising when we left the building and flew into a sky streaked with pink and orange. Metropolis slept on, but for me, everything had changed...’”

“You know him?” Clark asked Lois.

“No,” she said adamantly. “And I have no idea what he’s rambling on about.”

“I’m not the one rambling in purple prose about first meetings and true love,” the man sneered. “And it isn’t even accurate, Lois! You’re a reporter, you ought to be ashamed. It’s pitch black outside, not yet one a.m. I came early to get the worm, and still not early enough. Because here you two are... together. Eternally, insufferably... together!”
Now if Tempus came earlier than Lois' diary stated, then a possible conclusion to the story is that they end up returning in the morning, when the sun is rising, having forgetten everything that happened in Utopia.

Anyway, two weeks will go by quickly, but unfortunately for me, I will be on vacation for one of those weeks, and could really get caught up on my reading...oh well.

Have a great trip!


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"