Ah, I love the smell of a fresh poll in the morning....

1. Something you'd never tell your RL friends?

Specifically, I'd never tell my best friend that I delete about 95% of her e-mails without even reading them-she sends me every damn chain-letter and pieces of sentimental tripe that comes to her and I'm not at all interested. Once and a while she'll send an actual message but I'd hate to embarass her by admitting I don't read most of what she sends.

2. A singer or band you're totally embarrassed to love?

The Bee-Gees are one of my most guiltiest pleasures. I can barely stop myself from singing along with "Tragedy" only I know I can't reach the higher notes... blush

3. A TV show or movie you'd just about die if anyone walked in on you watching?

I don't watch too much tv but I guess any kind of "reality" programming on the big networks would be the most embarassing since they are such huge fabrications and a waste of my time. :rolleyes:

4. The celebrity crush you'd never want to own up to in public?

David X. Cohen, because very few people would "get" it.

5. Something you're interested in that people generally look at you like "what the heck?"

All of my geek side, like astronomy, physics and hard SF. laugh

6. If you owned a boat, what would you name it?

I like the name that my husband's kayak came with, "Serenity", because that's how I feel when we're out on the ocean. Even when the waves are three feet tall! smile1 It's my favourite non-alcoholic summer drink!

Femme fatale with a hopelessly romantic heart!