Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: EditorJax Bored? Tired? Come in for a little POLL! - 04/30/08 05:04 AM
Oh look. Jenn has insomnia again. So let's do a little poll! Honesty required.

You know how sometimes you love something that you're sooooo mortified to own up to?

1. Something you'd never tell your RL friends?
2. A singer or band you're totally embarrassed to love?
3. A TV show or movie you'd just about die if anyone walked in on you watching?
4. The celebrity crush you'd never want to own up to in public?
5. Something you're interested in that people generally look at you like "what the heck?"

And now here's five other random questions. I really shouldn't be allowed online at 4 a.m.

6. If you owned a boat, what would you name it?
7. Who is one celebrity you'd give just about anything to meet?
8. One place you just have to visit before you die?
9. What kind of computer do you have?
10. If you went into Starbucks, what would you order?


My answers:

1. Something you'd never tell your RL friends? That I write Superman nfic.

2. A singer or band you're totally embarrassed to love? I'd say Celine Dion, but I'm not embarrassed (shaddup, Bat), so I'm going to go with the fact that I still am madly in love with the song "Every Heartbeat" by Amy Grant.

3. A TV show or movie you'd just about die if anyone walked in on you watching? "My Super Sweet Sixteen" on MTV. It's like watching a slow-motion train wreck, but with Prada bags.

4. The celebrity crush you'd never want to own up to in public? Scott Baio. NOT NOW. When I was younger.

5. Something you're interested in that people generally look at you like "what the heck?" Airports. I don't know. I just find them interesting.

6. If you owned a boat, what would you name it? The Pinktini.

7. Who is one celebrity you'd give just about anything to meet? Teri Hatcher.

8. One place you just have to visit before you die? Paris.

9. What kind of computer do you have? A pink Dell Inspiron laptop.

10. If you went into Starbucks, what would you order? A sugar-free vanilla nonfat latte. I'm boring, I know.
1. Something you'd never tell your RL friends? Aren't you my RL friends?

2. A singer or band you're totally embarrassed to love? Not any more, but at the time… Roxette.

3. A TV show or movie you'd just about die if anyone walked in on you watching? Would have to be porn.

4. The celebrity crush you'd never want to own up to in public? Michael J Fox when I was a preteen. Now I don’t care.

5. Something you're interested in that people generally look at you like "what the heck?" Lois and Clark?

And now here's five other random questions. I really shouldn't be allowed online at 4 a.m.

6. If you owned a boat, what would you name it? That requires more thought than I have time for.

7. Who is one celebrity you'd give just about anything to meet? I wouldn’t really want to meet anyone I liked because my brain would probably shut down, I’d start stammering like an idiot and turn bright red. Not the sort of impression a girl likes to make.

8. One place you just have to visit before you die? Probably a hospital.

9. What kind of computer do you have? HP Pavilion Entertainment laptop. It’s quite posh, although I‘d like something a bit more portable!

10. If you went into Starbucks, what would you order? Latte/cap/mocha and a piece of… carrot cake. Or a sandwich of some sort - chicken, I think - because I’m famished right now.
Posted By: carolm Re: Bored? Tired? Come in for a little POLL! - 04/30/08 06:35 AM
1. Something you'd never tell your RL friends? Gotta go with Gr8 on this one - you're not RL friends? wink Seriously - the whole fic thing[b]
2. A singer or band you're totally embarrassed to love?[b]Ummm... as I was telling Kaylle the other day - my music knowledge is so freaking pathetic... was going through the MVs on Annette's site and knew like 4 of the songs. Seriously. Okay, not seriously, but I didn't know more than I knew.

3. A TV show or movie you'd just about die if anyone walked in on you watching?Ditto the porn, but I wouldn't watch it - and My Super Sweet 16 is a train wreck! I do turn L/C off when I hear DH come home
4. The celebrity crush you'd never want to own up to in public?So do you watch Scott Baio's show on... MTV/VH1/whichever? Was better than My Fair Brady which DH also insisted on watching from time to time. When I was younger, Mario Lopez because everyone else was into Mark Paul Gossaler.
5. Something you're interested in that people generally look at you like "what the heck?" Fic. But I don't tell them so they can't look at me like that

6. If you owned a boat, what would you name it?Ummm... The Lucky Leon wink ?
7. Who is one celebrity you'd give just about anything to meet?Not a clue.
8. One place you just have to visit before you die?Europe
9. What kind of computer do you have? Acer
10. If you went into Starbucks, what would you order?water?

Thanks, Jenn! Always fun!

Edit: to take out Jenn's quotes.
Well, I thrive on things that make me look weird and/or should embarrass me so... I'm just strange that way. Most of these things I wouldn't really be embarrassed about but think I should be.

1. Something you'd never tell your RL friends?
That I sometimes see them calling and make it go straight to VM just cause I HATE talking on the phone. I send them an email later and say that it was on vibrate and I didn't hear it. Sometimes my friends will be hanging out with me when they see me do that to someone else and they're like, "Is that why I can never get in touch with you?" <looks around innocently> "no."

2. A singer or band you're totally embarrassed to love?
Again, I'm not embarrassed about this but I feel like I should be... MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!

3. A TV show or movie you'd just about die if anyone walked in on you watching?
Yeah, I'd have to go with gr8 & carol. Definitely porn, but I never watch that so I think I'm in the clear.

4. The celebrity crush you'd never want to own up to in public?
My celebrity crushes now are not that embarrassing (Joaquin Phoenix, Jude Law) but maybe my crush as a kid... MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!

5. Something you're interested in that people generally look at you like "what the heck?"
Ummmm... that would be pretty much everything I'm interested in. Star Wars, LnC, Buffy, etc.

6. If you owned a boat, what would you name it?

7. Who is one celebrity you'd give just about anything to meet?
Mark Hamill or Michael Jackson

8. One place you just have to visit before you die?
New Zealand

9. What kind of computer do you have?

10. If you went into Starbucks, what would you order?
Well, I never go in there but the last time I was there I ordered a Tall Whip Cream... it was good... and they didn't even charge me!!

Now to comment on others:

Twin: I LOOOOOVE Every Heartbeat by Amy Grant. I think I still have that CD.

Gr8: You're hilarious. A hospital?! I guess everyone would want to visit there in hopes that they didn't die. rotflol

Carol: Mario Lopez! ha! I liked AC Slater but I was one of the girls who loved Zach. wink
Posted By: carolm Re: Bored? Tired? Come in for a little POLL! - 04/30/08 08:21 AM
Oh I loved Zach too [even tried watching Law and Order or whatever - after I'd tried [and failed at] watching for Ricky Schroeder - but I did like him on 24]. But then there was this dream and I was married to or dating or kissing or something Slater and well that was the end of that.

Liked Zach and Kelly MUCH better than Slater and Jessi or whatever the chick's name was on The College Years. I watched Pacific Blue a couple of times while Lopez was on, but it was in the pre-TIVO days and I always forgot about it.

I'm in a conference call... and they're chatting away about hiring interns in Munich - not something that concerns me much, so, here I am:

1. Something you'd never tell your RL friends? By this, I expect you mean people whom I didn't meet through here. There is just ONE thing I wouldn't tell them about, really... And I'm not really telling people *here* either, unless they're really close, so... I'll leave it up to your imagination.

2. A singer or band you're totally embarrassed to love? (no, I'm not going to answer Céline. I really DON'T like her) There's nothing I'm really too embarassed to love, but there are artists like, say, Fergie, whom I like, but I don't exactly volunteer that information unless it's useful. wink

3. A TV show or movie you'd just about die if anyone walked in on you watching? I don't think there's any such thing. Or, maybe something that happens to have some full frontal nudity (I don't mean porn!!) because this I'm even embarrassed to look at when I'm all alone....

4. The celebrity crush you'd never want to own up to in public? AH! I'm sure the entire world knows who my crushes are.

5. Something you're interested in that people generally look at you like "what the heck?" Nah. Most people know I'm weird, they expect it. wink

6. If you owned a boat, what would you name it? I wouldn't own one... I don't like water all that much...

7. Who is one celebrity you'd give just about anything to meet? AH! Again, I think everyone knows the answer to this - there are two.

8. One place you just have to visit before you die? I've been there already. I can die happy.

9. What kind of computer do you have? I own a Mac. ...and a crappy PC laptop, that I no longer use. And at the office, I work on PCs only, even though we do have Mac computers here - and Linux, too.

10. If you went into Starbucks, what would you order? ...coffee? *lol* A tall latte, to go. wink
Posted By: Saffron Re: Bored? Tired? Come in for a little POLL! - 04/30/08 10:17 AM
Ah, I love the smell of a fresh poll in the morning....

1. Something you'd never tell your RL friends?

Specifically, I'd never tell my best friend that I delete about 95% of her e-mails without even reading them-she sends me every damn chain-letter and pieces of sentimental tripe that comes to her and I'm not at all interested. Once and a while she'll send an actual message but I'd hate to embarass her by admitting I don't read most of what she sends.

2. A singer or band you're totally embarrassed to love?

The Bee-Gees are one of my most guiltiest pleasures. I can barely stop myself from singing along with "Tragedy" only I know I can't reach the higher notes... blush

3. A TV show or movie you'd just about die if anyone walked in on you watching?

I don't watch too much tv but I guess any kind of "reality" programming on the big networks would be the most embarassing since they are such huge fabrications and a waste of my time. :rolleyes:

4. The celebrity crush you'd never want to own up to in public?

David X. Cohen, because very few people would "get" it.

5. Something you're interested in that people generally look at you like "what the heck?"

All of my geek side, like astronomy, physics and hard SF. laugh

6. If you owned a boat, what would you name it?

I like the name that my husband's kayak came with, "Serenity", because that's how I feel when we're out on the ocean. Even when the waves are three feet tall! smile1 It's my favourite non-alcoholic summer drink!
Posted By: Shadow Re: Bored? Tired? Come in for a little POLL! - 04/30/08 11:09 AM
1. Something you'd never tell your RL friends?
I won't pick up my phone if I don't feel like answering it, but I WILL call you back later.

2. A singer or band you're totally embarrassed to love?
I'm totally not ashamed to like Hanson.

3. A TV show or movie you'd just about die if anyone walked in on you watching?
Hmm...hah ok, the Parent Trap remake with Lindsay Lohen.

4. The celebrity crush you'd never want to own up to in public?
OH, everyone knows I'm in love with Patrick Dempsey.

5. Something you're interested in that people generally look at you like "what the heck?"
Usually organic chemistry, but if I ever mentioned my fascination with Lois Lane, that would generate equally disturbed looks.

And now here's five other random questions. I really shouldn't be allowed online at 4 a.m.

6. If you owned a boat, what would you name it?
The Armada

7. Who is one celebrity you'd give just about anything to meet?
Probably Patrick Dempsey, but he's really just a bunch of eye candy. Would be perfectly happy staring at him from afar. Now Massimo Vignelli, my favorite graphic design celeb...that would be amazing.

8. One place you just have to visit before you die?
I want to revisit Hawaii as much as possible. Will take any other tropical recommendations.

9. What kind of computer do you have?
MacBook Pro

10. If you went into Starbucks, what would you order?
In the spirit of the my failing bank account, I've switched over from the caramel macchiato to the iced vanilla coffee. Why not save a buck. But I do love that macchiato when I have money!
Posted By: Zoar3 Re: Bored? Tired? Come in for a little POLL! - 04/30/08 09:17 PM
1. Something you'd never tell your RL friends?
That I, too, write and read L and C n-fic. I also agree with everyone else that hey aren't you guys my RL friends?

2. A singer or band you're totally embarrassed to love? I liked "Every Heartbeat, too." I think "Love of a Lifetime" might just qualify as well or how about Debby Boone's "You Light Up My Life?"

3. A TV show or movie you'd just about die if anyone walked in on you watching? As a kid, I became infuriated when interrupted from He-Man. As a teen,I wanted my time with Patrick in Dirty Dancing, Damn Jennifer Grey!, and then in college there was Dean and as I've said before no actor has affected me in quite the way he did. Not even Zach from Saved by the Bell or Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

4. The celebrity crush you'd never want to own up to in public? See above in Zach, no Mario Lopez for me, and how about Chad Lowe from Life Goes On? Speaking of Chads, Chad Allen when he was young and straight was awfully cute too as was River Phoenix who I think someone mentioned his brother.

5. Something you're interested in that people generally look at you like "what the heck?" I really don't know...but maybe L and C or more truthfully "C" sorry L not interested in you, at least not the C way, devil and maybe the fact that I enjoy n-fic and some romance novels as well.

And now here's five other random questions. I really shouldn't be allowed online at 4 a.m.

6. If you owned a boat, what would you name it? I have no clue but right now...how about The Firefly. First name that came to me.

7. Who is one celebrity you'd give just about anything to meet? See some above answers. I'd say my first celebrity crush after "Prince Adam" and then Christopher Reeve, was blush Ricky Schroder from Silver Spoons! Then I believe came a young Tom Cruise followed by Patrick Swayze and Zach, Dean, etc. I also thought both Matt and Simon were cute on 7th Heaven. I'm not really into the celebrity scene but if I could meet one, I'll pick our Dean. wink

8. One place you just have to visit before you die? I hope to visit Washington rainforests as they sound luscious and magical from Kristin Hannah's book Comfort and Joy. For fun, I'd like to go to Disneyworld. And for "real" I'd like to meet my Mr Right and go on our honeymoon.

9. What kind of computer do you have? A good ol' emachines.

10. If you went into Starbucks, what would you order? I'd ask for a glass of ice water.
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