Oh, mistress of evil! Torturer of souls! You thrive to see us live in this pain, writhe in agony!


But good God, woman, you leave some truly evil cliff-hangers.

wallbash wallbash wallbash

Hopefully, Lois will get a ClueX4 since she obviously missed the first time he revealed his alter-ego. Interesting that she heard Superman was actually killed. Something Luthor stirred up, perhaps?

Good God, the relationships she is going to have to mend, assuming some of the broken toys in the box get fixed, to use an analogy that's been stirring around lately. At least we all understand now that she really wasn't the horrible, heinous inidividual like her husband, but the things she must have said and done to drive everyone away...

Another great part!!!

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy