This is not directed at any specific 'you':

Personally what I see is that fundamentalist elements ruin *every* religion. But as always when you couple, those elements with societal turmoil, you get very explosive results.

The media is not going to give you the whole story. It's not going to talk to you about the people trying to effect change and make things better. That doesn't sell

A clear evildoer however, be he Muslim (OMG they lash women), Christian (OMG, they molotoved an abortion clinic) whathaveyou will and that's why there is an increased focus on the more radical elements of these faiths.

The media wants your money through advertisements. It is not disinterested and it most certainly is not unbiased. So take what you hear with a grain of salt and go past the exagerated accounts, because if you don't educate yourself many others will happily do it for you.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan