SQD very good instalment. It was tense, emotional, and very well written. I plan to stay around to see what happens even though I think you've taken Clark too far afield.

It was shown in the series that he could have a stubborn streak, but the single-mindedness of his adopted 'mission' seems to be too all consuming. I look forward to its unraveling.

I agree that Clark is taking lunkheadedness to an all time high here, but the child doesn't have to be his, or even Lois'. My first thought was that it belonged to this 'other man' in her life.

While no one can blame Lois for the want and need of male companionship, I think the on again, off again nature of her relationship tells us that she really isn't over the loss of Clark.

Of course, you've set this up perfectly for Clark to really mess it up even if Lois finds out who he really is.

Tank (who, against his better judgement, is hooked and waiting for more)