I think Rivka and I are in the same place here, dying yet still wanting more...

I never thought I had a tolerance limit as to *how* much angst I could stand in a fic, but I may be reaching it. The agony permeating their lives is just excruciating. I've never been one to *need* a happy ending for a story - although I'm usually glad to see it - but this time I think I really NEED one, Sara. To see the two of them reach a time of joy after all this cr*p that they've been suffering for the past two years.

Poor Lois. Physically suffering from the nausea, and feeling completely alone, now that the haven that she was running to is no longer an option. As Wendy said, her decision to keep M&J uninvolved was perfectly logical, yet so sad too. And it's so sad to see her utter conviction that no matter how long she stays hidden, that Luthor WILL find her one day, therefore she has to stay alone. whinging

My poor Clark. The man is in complete agony. Are there levels below "existing", because that's where he is. He needs to go home, although I don't know what will make him do that. Even though he knows that running away to London didn't solve his problems, he doesn't seem ready to face the fact that he might not be any unhappier back home.

He would just stay in London, like he'd planned. He would stay until his nightly torture and daily pain killed him. Until he died of a broken heart.

//Except you might not. Have you thought about that? You might *not*.//

He passed a tired hand over his eyes. He'd never thought about that before. He'd always just assumed that sooner or later, his pathetic, lovelorn existence would come to an end. The idea that he could go on, living in this hell for ten or twenty years more...
The poor boy... mecry mecry mecry

And then there's Martha. eek Just the tiny snippets of information about the phone call had me sobbing. As a mom, my heart just reaches out to her.

So please post soon. I assume that the agony is going to last a while longer before we see any light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm anxious to see how we get there...


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5