Certain professions kind of come with the disclaimer that work hours will not be 9 to 5 or five days a week but more like 24/7 - professions such as doctors, lawyers, IT professionals, etc.
I used to believe that too. I'm a lawyer after all. And I used to give out my home phone number to clients (in the days before the surpremecy of the cell phone). Yep. I worked 24/7. When I wasn't in the office, I'd be taking calls from clients or bringing work home. But then I worked long hours in school, too. So I thought it was just part of the practice.

I believed that right up until I had my nervous break-down. I can remember sitting out on the steps of a friend's house, tears streaming down my cheeks, with a friend who told me that I was killing myself - that I needed to take some time off. I told her that I couldn't - I had to be available at all times for my clients. The remainder of the conversation went as follows:

"What would happen if you died of a heart attack tonight? You wouldn't be much good to your clients then."

"I'm not going to die of a heart attack tonight."

"But what would happen then?"

"I don't know. I guess I'd have to call Mike and ask him to take the matters I have in court tomorrow. And I'd need to call Paula and tell her..."

"ML, you're dead. You can't call anyone."

Two weeks later, I had a complete breakdown. I couldn't get groceries without bursting into tears (deciding between butter and margarine is very stressful, you know laugh ). I had to quit my job and take stress leave.

That took place during the second season of Lois and Clark (nice how I worked that in, eh? laugh ). Since that time, I guard my 'me time' as precious. I refuse to carry a cell phone or even wear a watch. And I write Lois and Clark stories to keep from allowing work to clog up my brain in the evening.

Maybe there are people out there who can work 24/7. But I'm not one of them. If you need a lawyer and I'm not available, please call someone else. I won't be at all offended. I'd rather be sane than be your lawyer.

And you know what? Since I took that attitude, I've been a much better lawyer. More is not always better.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane