There was a slight tanget on the Smallville thread, so I thought I'd start something here.

I love Everwood! Colin was my favorite character and I'm so sad that he's gone now. I thought I had heard a spoiler last season that he was going to live, so I was completely shocked by the premiere. whinging

Bright was okay last season, but he's been hilarious so far this season, especially his scenes with Ephram last week. I was laughing for five minutes when he told Ephram that he kinda does stalk Amy!

Andy and Harold crack me up too; I love the way that they interact together.

And I love that Irv is the narrator; he's kinda on the outside of everything, looking in.

And Delia is adorable, of course. laugh

Ironically enough, I think my least favorite characters are Ephram and Amy. It's not that I don't like them, I just like all of the other characters better.

Anyone else want to give their thoughts?
