I do this all the time, because when I'm driving my twice-a-day hour-long commute, I usually pair plot points of a story I'm working on to a good song... To a specific character though? That's a bit tougher.

11. "Hound Dog" by Elvis Presley. For Perry White.

12. "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons for Clark. Nora Helmer did an excellent LnC themed video for this song and even though it's played on the radio constantly now and it's been out for over a year, it's still one of my favorite songs!!
Radioactive vid

13. "Breathing" by Jason Derulo. I think this particularly works for Lois/Clark in the NK arc.

Don't know if the numbers are right... I know there's a LOT more but that's all I've got for now. huh I'll probably come back to this after my drive home from school tomorrow...

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain