It was nice to see Tempus and H.G. Wells again in this episode. Of all of the characters created specifically for "Lois and Clark," it's easy to see why Tempus was the most popular among fans.

I also enjoyed seeing the Clark from the alternate world again. I was glad that it was hinted that he might be able to find his own Lois. The fact that this Clark was seemingly destined to live a life alone was always one of the more sad aspects of his character. I've read that had a fifth season been made, an episode about him actually finding his Lois had been proposed. It's too bad we never got to actually see it.

There were also a few funny moments that resulted from Tempus' Subliminator in this episode. One of my favorite scenes is when we find out that even President Garner voted for John Doe instead of voting for himself. rotflol In fact, I enjoyed most of President Garner's scenes.