I enjoyed getting to see Perry's son in this episode. I enjoy learning about the family members of the main characters, so it was nice to finally meet one of Perry’s sons. It was too bad that he ended up in trouble with the law again, but I'm glad that his relationship with Perry seemed to have improved.

I liked the use of red kryptonite here. Clark's powers being so out of control made for a good weakness for the villains of the week to exploit. One of the good things about the use of red kryptonite instead of green kryptonite is that it affects Superman in different ways each episode, so using red kryptonite is a good way to keep the stories fresh.

The mayor's decision to have Superman shot doesn't really make complete sense to me. The city was going to be destroyed anyways. Superman's out of control powers couldn't really do that much more damage. I guess she wanted Superman to save the city and to shoot him afterwards if his powers got out of control, therefore keeping the city safe, but that really wasn’t fair to Superman.