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I enjoyed getting to see Perry's son in this episode. I enjoy learning about the family members of the main characters, so it was nice to finally meet one of Perry’s sons. It was too bad that he ended up in trouble with the law again, but I'm glad that his relationship with Perry seemed to have improved.

I liked the use of red kryptonite here. Clark's powers being so out of control made for a good weakness for the villains of the week to exploit. One of the good things about the use of red kryptonite instead of green kryptonite is that it affects Superman in different ways each episode, so using red kryptonite is a good way to keep the stories fresh.

The mayor's decision to have Superman shot doesn't really make complete sense to me. The city was going to be destroyed anyways. Superman's out of control powers couldn't really do that much more damage. I guess she wanted Superman to save the city and to shoot him afterwards if his powers got out of control, therefore keeping the city safe, but that really wasn’t fair to Superman.
The first fanfic that came immediately to mind was Anti-Kryptonite's very fine Lethal Qualities . I'm in awe of her exploration of Clark's feelings and the poetic way she writes. Don't miss this.

Laura S. has an in-betweenie scene in her A Vulnerable Night In Metropolis , where Clark deals with the guilt after he bruises Lois. Capes writes on the same theme, but Lethal Weapon, The Aftermath is set not in-between, but after the episode, as one might guess from the fic title.

On the comedic side, the Mayor of Metropolis wants to know what Superman has been doing with his days since that unfortunate time when he smashed up the city, in Every Little Detail . And Laura Davies obviates the events of the episode with her Unloaded Weapon: A Plot Un-twist . I always enjoy plot un-twists because many times they make more sense than the original plot. laugh
Originally posted by Lois_Lane_Fan:
I enjoyed getting to see Perry's son in this episode. I enjoy learning about the family members of the main characters, so it was nice to finally meet one of Perry’s sons. It was too bad that he ended up in trouble with the law again, but I'm glad that his relationship with Perry seemed to have improved.

I liked the use of red kryptonite here. Clark's powers being so out of control made for a good weakness for the villains of the week to exploit. One of the good things about the use of red kryptonite instead of green kryptonite is that it affects Superman in different ways each episode, so using red kryptonite is a good way to keep the stories fresh.

The mayor's decision to have Superman shot doesn't really make complete sense to me. The city was going to be destroyed anyways. Superman's out of control powers couldn't really do that much more damage. I guess she wanted Superman to save the city and to shoot him afterwards if his powers got out of control, therefore keeping the city safe, but that really wasn’t fair to Superman.
Well, I think that explains why Lois was so irate about the decision.
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