I’ve always been a huge fan of spooky ghost stories, so I enjoyed this episode for the ghost storyline. I probably would have enjoyed it even more had there been a few more scary scenes, but given that this was a family friendly show, I understand why the frights were kept to a minimum. Still, though, I did think that Katie possessing Lois was a pretty good scene.

I also think that fans of “The Drew Carey Show” are more likely to count this episode among their favorites of the series than other people are. I think that both Drew Carey and Kathy Kinney both did an acceptable job in their roles, but given that I’ve only seen some of “The Drew Carey Show,” their casting never caught my attention the way that casting Sherman Hemsley and Isabel Sanford of “The Jeffersons,” a show I’m more familiar with, did in “Season’s Greedings.”

I also enjoyed the Lois and Clark scenes in this one, especially the last scene. I liked seeing Lois finally succeeding in cooking something good for her husband, and Clark’s initial reaction to Lois’ meal was the funniest scene of the episode.