This episode marks the first time we saw Teri Hatcher’s second haircut. Like with the haircut she introduced at the beginning of season three, I really wasn’t a huge fan. I much prefer the bob, which is the look I usually imagine whenever I think about Lois.

One of the things that came to my mind as I watched this episode last night was that this is a rare example of Lois and Clark working on separate stories. True, it was all connected in the end, but episodes of this show usually revolved around Lois and Clark working as partners on the same story. I’m not saying this was any better or worse than what they usually did. It’s just an observation.

Lois and Clark befriending another couple made for an interesting storyline. I enjoy seeing Lois and Clark trying to do things like a normal couple would even though we all know they’re anything but a normal couple. One of the good things about Lois and Clark being married during this last season is that it allowed the writers to explore how they’d handle the things normal married couples usually do.