One of the things that has always stuck out to me about these episodes is how Clark is so in love with Lois that he’s willing to break her out of jail. He’s usually such a stickler for following the rules, but for Lois, he’s willing to do anything. Under different circumstances, this might not have worked for me, but the way it was done here is great.

I also like the way that Clark stood up to D.A. Clemmons. One of the great things about having a Clark that isn’t overly mild mannered is that you get moments like this every now and then.

Another thing I like about these episodes is that they illustrate just how much of an effect Clark has had on Lois. Her thinking that she’d be cleared just because she was innocent is much more optimistic than the way I believe she would have thought had this been season one, and I can only assume that being with Clark has made her more of an optimist.