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One of the things that has always stuck out to me about these episodes is how Clark is so in love with Lois that he’s willing to break her out of jail. He’s usually such a stickler for following the rules, but for Lois, he’s willing to do anything. Under different circumstances, this might not have worked for me, but the way it was done here is great.

I also like the way that Clark stood up to D.A. Clemmons. One of the great things about having a Clark that isn’t overly mild mannered is that you get moments like this every now and then.

Another thing I like about these episodes is that they illustrate just how much of an effect Clark has had on Lois. Her thinking that she’d be cleared just because she was innocent is much more optimistic than the way I believe she would have thought had this been season one, and I can only assume that being with Clark has made her more of an optimist.
Well, considering that Lois had been sentanced to be killed, it did make sense that Clark broke her out.

I just loved the whole list of hundreds of people who have a grudge against Lois. That was one of the scenes that really was funny. Even the number who they thought could have pulled off the hulicination work was six which seemed like a lot for such a specilized thing.
One of my favorite fics by ML Thompson is based on this episode, Guilty Until Proven Innocent . Lois is accused of murder per the episode, but this is in an alt-universe where Clark hasn't yet come to the Daily Planet until now. In fact, he takes over Lois's reporting job at the DP. How can he prove Lois innocent? And how will he become Superman without Lois to give him the spark?

Another reason I like this fic is that ML is realistic.
Before you read this story, it is important to understand one thing. In The People v. Lois Lane, Elroy Sykes was killed, and during the same episode, Lois Lane stood trial for his murder. In real life, much more time would have passed. So in my story, it is assumed that Elroy Sykes was shot and killed sometime during season three. Lois was arrested and released. She continued to work at the Daily Planet until she stood trial during The People v. Lois Lane in season four.
Because there's no freakin' way you can get a murder trial going in only TWO WEEKS! OK, I can handle flying men, the superpowers, human cloning, time travel - but a murder trial getting going in 14 days? No, I can't suspend my disbelief that much. smile

On the humorous side, Paul-Gabriel Wiener has a Plot Untwist with his Go Directly To Jail, Do Not Pass Gun, Do Not Collect Revenge: A Plot Un-Twist . Short, sweet, and funny.

Kathy Brown brings up some of the logical inconsistencies and gaping plot holes of the episode in "Now, Hold On A Minute Here!" The writers were especially... um, let's say, busy... /cough/ drunk or out of their minds on cold medicine /cough/... when they wrote that episode - and Kathy points out why. Also very funny.

For "Dead Lois Walking":
Catherine Bruce has a WHAMmy, chilling fic in Betrayal Of Justice . Caroline K. has the WAFFy opposite in When It Rains .
Hi Iolanthe,

Thanks so much for posting mention of all these episode-related fics. Thanks to your mini-summaries and recommendations, I've added a number more stories to my Kindle. (I have a sneaking suspicion that I already have more on it than I'd be able to read in one lifetime -- but one can never have too many stories in one's queue.)

Thanks for the kudos, Lynn! There are so many great fics here and on the L&C Fanfic Archive that deserve reading and re-reading. The Archive and the Boards have given me hours of entertainment.

My only fear is that I'm missing some of the more recent fics, and some fics by authors who aren't as favorite as some other authors. I mean no disrespect to those I have missed, and I hope that others will join in the recommendations if they come across some good fics that I omitted.
Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
Because there's no freakin' way you can get a murder trial going in only TWO WEEKS! OK, I can handle flying men, the superpowers, human cloning, time travel - but a murder trial getting going in 14 days? No, I can't suspend my disbelief that much. smile
Yeah, that really bothered me, too. And even if she's sentenced to death immediately, it would be a long time before she's actually executed.
Originally posted by John Lambert:
Well, considering that Lois had been sentanced to be killed, it did make sense that Clark broke her out.

I just loved the whole list of hundreds of people who have a grude against Lois. That was one of the scenes that really was funny.
At that point, breaking her out was the only sensible thing to do, but I like is that he’s willing to break her out before the trial is even over. Other than perhaps Martha or Jonathan, I believe Lois is the only person Clark would be willing to break out of jail without going through the proper legal channels first.

Oh, and I loved that scene showing all of the people who had a grudge against Lois, too. rotflol

Originally posted by mrsMxyzptlk:
Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
[b]Because there's no freakin' way you can get a murder trial going in only TWO WEEKS! OK, I can handle flying men, the superpowers, human cloning, time travel - but a murder trial getting going in 14 days? No, I can't suspend my disbelief that much. smile
Yeah, that really bothered me, too. And even if she's sentenced to death immediately, it would be a long time before she's actually executed. [/b]
That was definitely unrealistic, though to be fair, I suppose most TV shows are guilty of doing a few things that they shouldn’t just to confine the plot to an hour or two.
Although maybe it does take longer than two weeks to go to trial. If they had not fixed the wedding in early October, we could probably use this episode as the main filler between the two Christmas episodes, especially since "Soul Mates" seems to all fall in one day, so we clearly have many more weeks than episodes filling them.
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