I really liked this storyline a lot. True, it did extend the wait for an actual wedding, but it did so in a way that was less frustrating to me than the amnesia arc had been. Of course, I say this as someone who already knew that Lois and Clark had gotten married on this show before I started watching it. I can see how some people who watched the episodes as they first aired might have found this arc to be just as frustrating as the other arc.

The third season finale really ended on a sad note, but I can’t help but enjoy it nonetheless. Lois and Clark’s goodbye to each other was a very well acted scene. I don’t often cry when I watch sad moments on TV shows, but this scene is one of the few scenes that does manage to usually get me to tear up a little bit. Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain were at their best in that scene.

Furthermore, I really liked getting to learn more about Clark’s heritage. I’m glad that “Lois and Clark” chose to focus on Clark’s humanity rather than his alien side, but Krypton is still an important part of him. Therefore, I enjoyed learning more about the people he came from. I also think that the Kryptonians in these episodes served as a tool to reinforce just how human Clark is.

One last thought I had about these episodes that I had involved Lord Nor. I’ve always thought that he was similar enough to General Zod that it would have been easier just to make him into this show’s version of that character. I’ve always wondered why they didn’t use that name for him instead of Lord Nor. Perhaps there was a restriction on using his character? Anybody know for sure?