This episode was written by Teri Hatcher. I thought it was a pretty good episode, though I do actually prefer the two episodes written by Dean Cain to this one. It wasn’t bad. It’s just that I wouldn’t count it among the very best of the series like I would for the episodes written by Dean Cain.

It was really a relief to see Lois back to being Lois. Those last couple of amnesia episodes really made me miss Lois a lot, so the fact that we got an episode involving Lois being back to herself was one big plus for this episode. That makes it a little bit better than the amnesia arc.

I do usually enjoy seeing people from the main characters’ past, so I thought that the idea of Lois’ high school reunion made for an interesting plot. However, I didn’t find the characters introduced to us in this episode to be quite as interesting as Linda King or Molly Flynn. I think it would have been much more enjoyable had one or both of those characters made a second appearance for some reason.