This episode introduced us to two characters that would be used again a few times throughout the rest of the series, Mayson Drake and Bill Church. I actually enjoyed both of these characters, so I’ve always liked this episode.

Intergang was a good way to have an ongoing threat throughout the season without using the same character in multiple episodes like they did in the first season with Lex Luthor. Once they introduced us to Bill Church as the head of Intergang, they were free to use Intergang as a menace in other episodes without necessarily needing Bill Church to be around. I thought that Intergang worked really well as an opponent to Superman, so the storylines involving it were among my favorites of the second season.

I know some people don’t like Mayson because she was a bit of a rival for Lois, but I enjoyed her character. However, I never much cared for Scardino, who would be used later in season two for another obstacle to Lois and Clark’s relationship. Maybe one of the reasons for that was because of the fact that Mayson’s attraction to Clark made Lois take notice of him, whereas Clark didn’t really need a romantic rival to get his attention. I also enjoyed the fact that Mayson was Lois’ opposite, being more interested in Clark than in Superman.

I think my favorite scene of this episode might be the dance between Lois and Superman at the end. It provided a nice touch of romance as well as a nice visual of Superman and Lois floating in the air.