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This episode introduced us to two characters that would be used again a few times throughout the rest of the series, Mayson Drake and Bill Church. I actually enjoyed both of these characters, so I’ve always liked this episode.

Intergang was a good way to have an ongoing threat throughout the season without using the same character in multiple episodes like they did in the first season with Lex Luthor. Once they introduced us to Bill Church as the head of Intergang, they were free to use Intergang as a menace in other episodes without necessarily needing Bill Church to be around. I thought that Intergang worked really well as an opponent to Superman, so the storylines involving it were among my favorites of the second season.

I know some people don’t like Mayson because she was a bit of a rival for Lois, but I enjoyed her character. However, I never much cared for Scardino, who would be used later in season two for another obstacle to Lois and Clark’s relationship. Maybe one of the reasons for that was because of the fact that Mayson’s attraction to Clark made Lois take notice of him, whereas Clark didn’t really need a romantic rival to get his attention. I also enjoyed the fact that Mayson was Lois’ opposite, being more interested in Clark than in Superman.

I think my favorite scene of this episode might be the dance between Lois and Superman at the end. It provided a nice touch of romance as well as a nice visual of Superman and Lois floating in the air.
There are tons of little moments in this episode that make it a favorite of mine.

Clark forgetting his glasses after capturing Baby Rage.

Perry as the world's worst relationship advisor. I still chuckle at this exchange between Perry and Jimmy:

Perry: Do you know what a man needs at a time like this?
Jimmy: A baseball bat and an alibi?

I have a soft spot for Mayson. Partially, I think it's because I liked the actress (Farrah Forke) on 'Wings' back in the day. The rest is because the character was relatable. Who wouldn't flirt with Clark Kent, given the chance? And who wouldn't go wide-eyed and tongue-tied when he answers the door shirtless? Clark never exactly deflected her advances, so I can't fault her for continuing to pursue him. In fact, I feel bad for her because she's doomed on so many levels. I never seriously thought Clark would ever pursue her, although he did toy with the idea. But his heart so firmly belongs to Lois that you had to pity her. And secondly, she really was doomed since they killed off her character. Given my druthers, I'd kill off Dan Scardino and leave Mayson to suffer in quiet desperation.

Mayson also earns my respect because she wasn't a one-dimensional character. She gets very upset when she thinks Clark is just having lunch with her to pump her for information on Church. She's the one who comes to our heroes when she realizes the case against Baby Rage is going to get tossed out. She shows some backbone and Lois-like tendencies when she wears the wire to entrap Snell. And it's a fun twist that she adores Clark and yet can't stand Superman.

Speaking of Snell, I like his "I'm contacting you on a frequency that only you and a few bats can hear." It's not an overt Batman reference, but it amuses me to think it could be.

The special effects for the paint bullets is cheesy, but I like the emotion behind it. Then again, I've always found Superman highly attractive when he's glowering because someone threatened Lois. Just like he would in a later season with Tempus, it's clear that there are lines and then there are lines when it comes to using Lois to try and control Superman.

I also liked the insight into the developing relationship between Lois and Clark. Her reaction when she sees Mayson kiss him is a great mix of indignation and jealousy. Their fight in the conference room over him being "giddy" over Mayson is a classic. Most especially his line about "if anyone is blind around here, it's you." It's just one in a series of flashing signals that Lois doesn't pick up on.

They do apologize rather sweetly to each other later on, talking over each other as they both forgive and explain.

Watching Clark try to excuse himself in front of Mayson and Lois at the same time is fun: "…the thing that I have to do in the place that I'll be back from in just a second…" Especially since the two women share a moment after he leaves.

Mayson: Does he do that a lot?
Lois: Constantly.

There are telling little details revealed in the stakes of the relationship between Lois and Superman. This is all taking place a few months after she had thrown herself at him and been roundly rejected. And yet, they seem very comfortable with each other. There's no awkwardness, they're friends, which has to mean that there were off-screen interactions between them beyond the few glimpses we got in previous episodes.

What we did get to see previously was awesome. In the first episode of S2, Lois saves his life and keeps secret the truth about kryptonite. In 'Wall of Sound,' he allows his feelings for her to show while he's in the Suit. He also shows up at her apartment after the Kerth awards. How Lois doesn't connect the dots between Clark's remark that the Kerth was smaller than he thought and Superman's comment that the lighting in her cabinet made them look bigger is beyond me. Hello! Duh! :p

In 'The Source,' he comes over late at night to Lois' apartment after she's been suspended. That late and unannounced say it's more than a quick social call. He almost completely drops the pretence of his Superman persona, too. The way he talks to her and tries to cheer her up is much more like Clark than Superman. He even cleans her apartment, which seems like a very personal thing to do when you're ostensibly trying to keep your distance from someone.

So when he shows up as Superman to dance with her at the end of this episode, you can hardly blame Lois if she's thinking that Superman is seeing her as more than just a friend. Especially when he closes the windows and then dips her. That's dancing with intent, Superman.

My take on it is that he tells himself he's just being friendly, when the truth is that he'll do just about anything to spend more time with her.

All in all, a very WAFFy episode. smile
I have to be the first to say I did not like Mayson at all.

The character from this episode I liked the msot was Lois' Uncle Mike. I was sad that he never showed up again.

The Superman goes undercover as a cop scene was interesting.

Even though Clark says that Lois and Mayson are opposites, he is really being unfair. By this point Lois definately likes Clark romantically, and even if he does not realize it, it is pretty clear she would say yes to a date with him.

Probably all through Season 2 Lois is more romantically attracked to Clark than to Superman, even if neither of them will admit it until "Whine, Whine, Whine".

On the other hand Mayson positively dislikes Superman in a way that Lois never disliked Clark, not even in the Pilot. I mean, she did invite Clark to be her escorate to the White Orchid Ball, which is more than Mayson would ever give to Superman.

I have to admit my favorite scene was when Mayson storms out on Clark at lunch because she thinks he is just using her as a source. I wish that was the final end of the Clark/Mayson interaction.
Irene Dutch has two fanfics related to this episode. In This Is Dancing , Lois dances with Superman and calls him Clark. In Tales Out Of Church , Lois and her Uncle Mike compare stories about the new "policeman" that shows up - Lois thought that Superman showed up, and Mike thought that Clark showed up. Revelation, anyone?

Lois does some hard thinking about Mayson Drake, herself, and their relationships with Clark in Carol Malo's The Red Skirt . Enjoyable.

And Lois and Clark investigate why Mayson Drake is so hostile towards Superman in Gerry Anklewicz's Blind Spots .

More relationship musings in Katie Sizer's If Anybody's Blind . As the description says, "What if Lois really tried to figure out what Clark meant when he told her she was the blind one in the episode "Churches of Metropolis"?"

Tracey has lots of WAFF in Dance With Me , and Wendy Richards shows us how Lois feels when she thinks she's lost Clark to Mayson Drake in It Only Hurts When I Breathe .

A lot of writers focus on the dance - and why not? It's so romantic.
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