This was always one of my favorite episodes. I’ve always enjoyed stories that revolve around mobsters, so that alone interested me in this episode. What I think works well for this episode is that it isn’t just your typical story about mobsters. It involves a very strong female character, whereas most mob stories center on men. This is especially significant since this show is the first version of Superman to make a female character, Lois Lane, just as important as Superman himself. I like that the writers went out of their way to create more strong female characters in this version of Superman.

I also liked the aspect of Lois and Clark going undercover. The nightclub setting meant that Teri Hatcher got the chance to sing, and I think she has a pretty good voice. Also, superficially speaking, the outfits Lois wore while undercover were very sexy, so that fact alone won this episode some points from me. smile

The last thing I want to note is that this episode provided us with another chance to see a jealous Lois, proving that she really was attracted to Clark from very early on even if she wouldn’t admit it to herself.