
Great part. razz That woman is too interest in Clark.

Clark smiled. “Natasha, You’ve got a lot to learn. I’ll look over you’re notes tonight and I’ll see you in the office first thing tomorrow morning. I’ve got some things I need to do now.”

“What was the point in me coming over?! I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Clark watched her walk out the door. Natasha reminded him of Mayson.
:rolleyes: That woman don't know what respect is, he is a married man.

mad She acts like Mayson.

She turned her head to the left to avoid his gaze but he gently pulled her back to face him. “Don’t turn away from me, Lois. I want to see you.”

“Why are you doing this, Clark? Please, if you want to talk then we’ll talk but please don’t do this.”

Clark was confused. “Do what, what do you think I’m going to do!!” he shouted. Lois turned to look at him and what he saw in her eyes for pure fear.

Lois protected her body with her arms and sat on a nearby bail of hay.

“You thought I was going to …..my God, you really thought that I’d hurt you?” Clark stood rooted the spot, watching Lois. She was in complete shock and started to shake.
eek Clark is out of control.

They hadn’t noticed Paul creep up behind them. He’d heard some shouting and had come outside to see what it was. Seeing Lois in the state she was in, he immediately ran over and pulled her into his arms.

“What the hell have you done to her, Clark?! If you’ve hurt her, I swear I’ll kill you!”

In silence, he turned around and walked away.
grumble Paul need to know that they need their space to work thing out and he don't have a place there.

:rolleyes: Paul is going to ask questions too.
How did Clark get there?

“Let’s not do anything too hasty. I’m not giving up that easily. I’ll get that number for you and we’ll go from there. It’s Dr Friskin actually, she’s still based in Metropolis. If it wasn’t for her I would probably still be denying my feelings for you.”
“I’ve had a few sessions with her before. I owe her a lot then, if she helped you see the light,” he laughed. I should be going. I’ve done enough damage for one day. I’ll be in touch when the time’s right. I’m truly sorry for what happened earlier. It won’t happen again.”
thumbsup Finally a good advice.

Let's hope Paul was not spying on them.

Get back here! hyper

More ASAP, please.

MAF wave

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.