"Me. I've changed. I question everything and everyone and I'm severely critical of myself. I want to be that man I used to be. The one people looked up to, relied on. The Clark Kent who found the good in everybody, believed anything was possible. I can't be him ever again, mom . They took it all away from me on Krypton and now I'm lost."
The above lines succinctly relay the cause of the emotional barrier Clark has surrounded himself with. thumbsup

"Hey, you just take good care of yourself. I'll be thinking of you."
These lines kindle the flickering hope that there might be a happy ending after all. wink

Hey Joey, I haven't commented on any of the previous parts but I've been faithfully reading all your postings. I must admit on being a bit depressed after reading Missed Years, some months ago. But that was admirably dissipated by your initiating a sequel.

Absolutely loving the natural and gradual development of emotions, feelings and the story-line as Lois and Clark strive to make up for missed years. wave

If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria