let me see...

...when you get lines from the show and use it as your status message on Yahoo! Messenger and your friends start to ask, 'What the heck does that mean?' [I currently use 'You can fly. I can stay mad. It's a gift.']

...when you decide to have a new signature and putting Lois' name in it. [my real name is Eliza, and I make 'Eliza' to 'Elois' but I kinda blur it so that no one would notice..

...when you get so excited because Smallville's Season 8 will be in L&Cish format...

...when you see your teachers' new haircuts and instantly remember Clark's and Lois' hair from S1.

...when you get giddy whenever you hear on the radio the song 'Superman(It's Not Easy to Be Me as some call it)' by Five For Fighting.

...when you see one of the questions in a local game show says, 'What is the only element that can stop kryptonite from harming Superman?' or something like that and the contestant blurts out a very stupid answer and you shout, 'It's lead, idiot! Lead!'

A love that risks nothing is worth nothing.