This seems like a great little treat for this time of the year. I loved everything, the way you give the background to Lois suffering at a Christmas party, her choice of costume and her encounter with “Black PVC Guy”. rotflol

Here are some of the bits that made me LOL:
At least, she thought, he’d had the good sense to leave the cape at home. That really would have been over the top.
A science-fiction geek with a sense of humour? Stifling a grin, Lois replied, “Well, I’ve never danced with an evil interplanetary overlord before, so I guess I could give it a try.”
Date Darth Vader? an incredulous little voice asked her.
This is where I stopped copying so that I won’t end up quoting 70% of your post.

One thing I didn’t really understand, and this is very probably due to the late hour is:
She was very well aware that, for almost an entire year, she’d known that he was attracted to her, but she’d barely given him the time of day.
I’m confused since if this refers to Clark’s declaration when Lois considered Lex’s marriage proposal I think the time frame should be about 6 months and if this refers to the start of Lois and Clark’s relationship it should be longer than a year.

But again, maybe it’s just me and my exhaustion.
Bring on part 2, like, now!
Avia wink

"I get it, you're a ghost. You're dead. Big accomplishment, move on. You see a light anywhere? Go towards it okay?"

Cordelia in 'Rm w/a Vu' - Angel episode 1x05