Hope I put this in the right folder...debated about off topic, but well, read on....

I thought I'd share what happened the other night at a scrapbooking crop I attended with some friends. We played a game where we filled out the names of candy and/or candy bars based on the clues. The one with the most right answers was the winner. For example some of the phrases were:

1. A town in Pennsylania Answer: Hershey
2. Some Fridays Answer: Payday
3. Our Galaxy Answer: Milky Way
4. Fourth planet from the Sun Answer: Mars
6. Nutty elation Answer Almond JOy

Well, for number 7 the phrase was Lois Lane's favorite candy bar. Of course, I wrote Double Fudge Crunch bars. And when they went down the page, we were all shouting out the answers. I yelled that one out, and the whole room just stared at me like what the heck was I talking about. The answer was Clark bar. huh Who knew?

Just wondered if y'all would have done the same thing. I tried to argue for the point (I'm a little...well alot competive...kinda like Lois on that one lOL) but to no avail.

Just thought I'd share a funny moment in life of a FOLC and see if anyone else would have done the same thing...


(Elrond's blessing at the departure of the company from Rivendell)

"Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you.
May the stars shine upon your faces!"
-Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien