Lois & Clark Forums
Hope I put this in the right folder...debated about off topic, but well, read on....

I thought I'd share what happened the other night at a scrapbooking crop I attended with some friends. We played a game where we filled out the names of candy and/or candy bars based on the clues. The one with the most right answers was the winner. For example some of the phrases were:

1. A town in Pennsylania Answer: Hershey
2. Some Fridays Answer: Payday
3. Our Galaxy Answer: Milky Way
4. Fourth planet from the Sun Answer: Mars
6. Nutty elation Answer Almond JOy

Well, for number 7 the phrase was Lois Lane's favorite candy bar. Of course, I wrote Double Fudge Crunch bars. And when they went down the page, we were all shouting out the answers. I yelled that one out, and the whole room just stared at me like what the heck was I talking about. The answer was Clark bar. huh Who knew?

Just wondered if y'all would have done the same thing. I tried to argue for the point (I'm a little...well alot competive...kinda like Lois on that one lOL) but to no avail.

Just thought I'd share a funny moment in life of a FOLC and see if anyone else would have done the same thing...

I love Clark bars! And you know what? I didn't even think of a Clark bar until you brought it up. I immediately thought of Double Fudge Crunch bars as soon as you started talking about candy so I'd have to say that I would probably answer the same way you did. That's what we get for being so engrossed in this I suppose! :rolleyes:

LOL Marcy! I would have done the same thing you did, especially the arguing. goofy

It's things like these in my own life that have inspired the Crazy FoLC Journals. laugh

Dude, that point was yours! It's cute, very cute to think that the Clark bar is Lois's favorite, and I'm sure it has a very special spot in her heart, but as I doubt any Superman series (comic book, movie, show etc) besides LnC has addressed her favorite candy bar, the Double Fudge Crunch Bar is clearly the answer to that question (Besides, she has Clark, she doesn't need the chocolate bar)
Clark Bars? Tsk. These people know nothing. goofy

You woz robbed, Marcy. Robbed, I tells ya.

Hope it wasn't a match point. laugh

LabRat smile
Do Double Fudge Crunch bars even exist IRL? I don't think so--probably invented for the show so as not to infringe copyright. Despite the pleasant thoughts associated with them, I just can't get into Clark bars.

Still, they should have given in to you, the clear expert!
razz But I did a very unloislike thing and let the winner have it, although I whined a whole lot. SHEESH! What can you do in a room full of people who don't know the ins and outs of one of the greatest tv shows ever...well, that and Stargate! Well, at least I feel vindicated here!

Marcy, promise me you educate those LnC-ignorant friends of yours and let them see this thread here!

grumble Clark bar? How very un-FoLCish of them. Everyone who's anyone knows it was double fudge crunch bars. laugh

Match point eh, what a pity. wallbash
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Did I answer the question right or not? What do you think? - 05/02/06 05:55 PM
Even I knew it was double fudge crunch bars. They must suffer for their insolence. Lock them in a tiny room with Plan 9 From Outer Space playing continuously and non-stop.....
hahaha you were completely right Double Fudge Crunch bars that she stored in her desk drawer...

"In case I have some drastic drop in blook sugar"... Lois Lane
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