thanks for the info Andreia. thumbsup
great! smile
although wat i actually meant to ask was if there is Gotham City in Superman world or more precisely, Lois and Clark tv-world
because when Clark said to Lois
"a little louder, i dont think they heard you in Gotham City". i assumed that there is Gotham City in their world,(or maybe its just a sarcastic comment from Clark)
but that lead me to think that if there is Gotham then there is Batman, (really dumb isnt it?)
and i also know that Batman was mentioned in one of LnC episode, UltraWoman, right? and that lead me again to think that there are 2 heroes or maybe in LnC world Batman is like a fictional character.
i dont know. im reaching here, really
also Ambar hav a point there about having more than 50 states

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What's that?
Chocolate, of course.