An L&C and Veggie Tales crossover.

The mind boggles. Of course, now I can't help but see the sweet potato with an adorable curl of hair on his "forehead", glasses, and Larry the Cucumber's squeaky little voice saying, "This is a job for Super-Yam!"

Oh, and I would think the fic wouldn't be complete without at least one silly song. wink

And how will Lois Leek go undercover? As a stalk of celery?

I'm glad that so many authors responded immediately to Labrat's post. I've got a week more of school and then I need to complete a year-long project, but Labrat's plea has not gone unheard by me. I should have time to finish one of those WIPs (or rise to the badfic challenge!) in the coming weeks.

Maybe we could combine it with a 20-minute challenge, just to see what we could all come up with in a very short period of time?


/hums under breath...
"Super - Ya a am, Super-ya a am, Super-ya a am, Super-Yam!"

Erm ... yeah. I sort of didn't answer the challenge, did I? I couldn't come up with a badfic premise (yet), but I'll post my other thoughts to the fanfic challenge folder.