Kathy, you make some good points; and based on a book I've read ("Freakonomics" for anyone interested), I think it can also be argued that the kind of parents who care enough about academics to homeschool their children are probably also the kind that pass on genes for high academic achievement. Still, I think there is much to be said for Teacher-Students ratio and personalized lesson plans.

Also, as in my case, some kids are just *not cut out* for public school; it's emotionally stressful, and there's all kinds of social goings-on distracting one from studies. I mean, who's going to be thinking about math when there's the pressing issue of coming up with retorts for insults, etc., to worry about?

I guess it really depends on the school, the parents, and the child. Homeschooling again in 8th grade didn't work as well for me academically as it did in 2nd. I found my niche in community college classes, which were kind of similar to mainstream school but without the idiots getting in the way.

ETA: Queen of the Capes, here. I'm on my Dad's computer and forgot he has his own account.
