Yay, some more DBAS!! The only thing wrong with this section is that I found it 15 minutes before I had to leave for work... So I read it fast, one eye on the clock, plotting exactly when I absolutely HAD to be out the door in order to make it to work on time. Then I had to wait 8 WHOLE HOURS before I could read it again... oh, the trials we all have to bear! wink

Seriously, this was more of the stuff I like so much about your writing, good stories with intriguing plots, and super-believable characters (oops, sorry, an unintentional pun!). These bits were great:
I'm with the man I love and I'm happy.
On top of everything she got with Clark, she had the flying too! She pondered the options briefly, then decided to go for what would please Clark most.
Once Lois let go of her fears and embraced her feelings for Clark, and once she took the chance to tell him how she felt, there was just no looking back, was there? She's finally free to show Clark who she really is, no subterfuge and no walls, just as he's free to show her all of him. Very nice!! <big happy sigh>

And what a fascinating situation, where Clark is actually considering breaking his strict rules to put this criminal out of commission, and that Lois is the one who dissuades him. In so many stories, we see Lois happily embracing Clark's special abilities on the job, once she knows his secret-- but it's always innocent enhancement of what they're already doing. That is, he can see inside a building before they enter it, listen from far away, see in the dark-- all wonderful extras but none of it against that Superman moral code.

Yet you have to wonder: given how totally driven Lois is about the investigations, wouldn't she be tempted to cut those corners a bit? Cut 'em a bit too fine? I've always thought that once you cut that first corner, look the other way, it becomes easier and easier to do it again... and again... You echoed that belief in this section, Wendy. Clark very humanly wonders aloud about whether it would be a good idea, this one time; and Lois shows again why he's right about her by acting as his conscience. I'm saying this clumsily, but this is a very subtle example of exactly why Clark loves her so much, believes so strongly in her worth.


But I just don't know...there's a bit of evidence pointing to the contrary:

But what had the noise been? Footsteps? A door closing? No, it hadn't sounded like either of those. It had been more like a... a whooshing. Some sort of whooshing or rushing noise.
I thought that at first, too, Sara, that it was Superman... but he and Lois agreed that Superman couldn't go breaking and entering. Then I thought, oh, hey! maybe Clark saw Lex... but no, he wasn't looking for Lex; they need to get more dirt on Lex first, and apprehending him on a simple breaking and entering wouldn't get them anywhere. They need to catch him at or prove his involvement with cold blooded murder, or something similar. THEN I thought-- what if it's the Toasters? Don't they torch places using those flame thrower things (sorry to get so technical wink )? I'm wondering if those fire starter thingies go "whoosh"? How about it, Wendy, do they?? Maybe the Toasters hold a grudge against Toni Taylor; didn't they quit cooperating with her?

Hmmm... Pam says,
You've got the rest of this written, Wendy, why not go ahead and post it all
You know, this idea has a lot of merit... sooooo... how about it, Wendy?? goofy

TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler