Now, a small, selfish part of him dared to voice the dark, demeaning hope that perhaps he could be free of the superhero once and for all. And if there was no Superman...might friends become...something more? If he had more to offer her...if he had time to spare her...all the time in the world to make her all that was important to him in the world, only her and no one else. If he could only love her as he longed to, if he could only show her how much she meant to him...
Ah man....man. Man! whinging

This was beautiful, sensual, and so, so sad. I think I already said you made my heart ache, but I'll have to use this again here, as well.

Love the mix of emotions, the funny in with the poignant. The dog! And werewolves!! And poor Clark taking the crumbs of whatever he can with Lois.

Man...you're killing me. In the best possible way.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
