Wow, this section was so painful... that steamy, wonderful, gorgeous kiss in the middle, but the rest of it was just heart-wrenching. Well, except for the bits that were hysterical...
"Weren't you listening to anything I just said?" she said, with some asperity.
goofy Go on, Clark, own up! Hey, I knew you should've been listening!

His tone had taken on an increasingly bitter note as he spoke.
Please, please... tell me that, since she's just accused him of not listening to her, she'll have been listening to this... and even if it didn't strike her right away, at some stage she'll work out just how jealous he is? Pleeeaaaaase? whinging

And without the compensations.
No, hang on a cotton-pickin' minute here - no compensations?!? Belgian chocolate, French croissants, Thai curry, Shanghai dim sum, sunsets on a remote Pacific island, not to mention (since this is the gfic side, after all) the [Linked Image] - no, you're right, Lois will just have nothing to live for... dizzy

(Raid Andreia's emoticon store - who, me?)

A diabolically, fiendishly clever mind. Possibly someone evil enough to take over the world. CC Aiken, Can You Guess the Writer? challenge