Jenn - Should I ever decide to try to coordinate a ficathon again, I will make certain not to send you more than the original email - however, my gut feeling is I don't need the grief of trying another one.

Intentional or not, it certainly feels personal but since you're taking it public, I will. *You* were the one who said she didn't get a fic last year. I would have thought that alone would indicate that not everyone does let the organizers know when they are unable to finish. Had you taken the time to type a quick 'I'm on it!' email response - you wouldn't have gotten anything else from me except a 'can't wait to read it'. It would have taken about ten seconds to let me know you were working on it and that would have been the end.

Yes, it's the holidays. Yes, people are busy. And that's probably why not everyone tells the coordinator/s that they won't be able to finish. I wanted to make sure no one else ended up without one like you [and possibly others] did last year or other times. Is a post on the boards enough? Maybe. But a number of the people I contacted haven't posted but maybe once or twice [I checked - and that does actually include you - there's only 3-4 posts from you but since you're a mod, I'd guess you're actually around a lot more than that] since assignments were sent out - it seems unlikely they would have seen it, but it is possible.

I'm sorry you're offended or feel nagged or like you're back in school and I've sucked the fun right out of it for you - that was not my intent and I'll be quite certain not to do that to you should I coordinate anything in the future that you choose to participate in.

Bella - I'm glad they were useful to you - thanks for offering but I think everyone on my end is covered. You might check with Elisabeth.

There is only one person I haven't heard from either publicly or privately and who hasn't posted but twice so I did ask someone else if they would mind to write that one. You know what? I hope that person gets two. I'd rather that than none - that's just the way I feel about it and why I did it.

I've said my piece, if you have anything else you'd like to say to me about it, please email me - I don't see myself responding publicly again.

Carol [who goes back to writing UP]