I am glad you suggested this Elisabeth. smile

I like Carol's dates too, as at the moment I am not so successfully, I admit, attempting to ressurect my interest and ideas for 2 in progress fics as well decide the fate of 2 others not yet started. So not having to committ right away to a holiday deadline would be helpful.

If I am read Carol's post right, it looks like there might be 2 separate ficathons? One Holiday and the other V-Day or did I miss something? I do like the theme idea or maybe, to do make it a little different maybe, rather than (or even in addition to) each person requesting 3 things they want in their story, they could also suggest three possible themes and then their secret author would surprise them with one? Is that too confusing? Just an idea so we'd get a variety of themes but also have the element of surprise. smile

My other question is in Lynn's original thread it looked like stories were both n and g fic. Would we go by request or only have one or the other?
