Last year's theme was Halloween/Costumes for the Guess the Author doohickey.

I emailed Elisabeth yesterday - I'd been thinking about this too and had looked up last year's Holiday Ficathon dates recently. The discussion didn't even start till late Nov iirc.

Last year's GTA started in early Oct IIRC with the goal to be posted by the end of the first week in Nov.

Here was my thinking:

Holiday ficathon signups: Nov 26 - Dec 3 or so [maybe a week earlier? signups during Nano but assignments made after? or even assignments made by Dec 1?]
Assignments out: Dec 6-7 [or, well, see above]
Post: by Jan 10

Guess the Author topic posted: Jan 15
Fics posted: by Feb 15 [maybe a Valentine's Theme?]
Lists/guessing thread: Feb 16-20 or something
'Prizes': awarded Feb 21 wink

The boards tend to be a bit slow the first couple months of the year - in part as people start getting ready for Kerths. My thinking is that GTAs will be short enough etc that they won't take TOO much time writing or reading and hopefully help with the early year lull.

Other thoughts?