Okay! Well it seems like there was sufficient interest so we can get a few stories out of this. smile Here is how this will work this time around. (Though of course I'm open to any and all suggestions!)

Guess the Writer pretty much involves writers sending me their stories on a certain topic. As I recieve them, I will post them in the fan fiction section as Title by Author X and open up a FDK folder for each, so people can read and review as normal. Then, once the deadline for stories passes, I will open up a guessing thread. There, I'll give a link to every story written for the contest and people will have to guess which of their favorite authors wrote which. smile If we recieve a large amount of entries, I'll probably post a list of the participating authors, but if there are only a few I'll leave it blank for you guys to take your best guess! Then, I'll calculate the stats and we'll see who guessed the most correctly, who fooled the most people, ect.

Okay, here are some guidelines:

You should aim to write between 5-10 pages in a 10 or 12 pt. font. You can write less, of course, or a little more, but try to keep it relatively in that area.

You must write the topic assigned below.

Do not post your stories. Email them to me with your screenname here and the title at lyshaheen@aol.com . I'll post them as I recieve, so you guys aren't overloaded when it comes time to read them all.

Regarding beta-ing... I realize, since I'm the only person who can know who wrote which, that I might get a lot of requests. While I normally wouldn't mind, school is kicking my butt right now, so I might not have a whole lot of time. What I would suggest is to either have it beta read by someone who won't be guessing, or simply to have it beta-d after the fact or not at all. We won't be grammar or characterization nazis, I promise.

Okay, here is the topic:

Lois and Clark buy a costume/disguise for each other.

Alcyone suggested that one, and it just cracked me up to think about. smile I know that seems sort of geared toward Halloween, but it doesn't have to be. I'm sure Lois and Clark would have many costume buying parties/other creative opportunities in their line of work. Bonus points to those who DON'T make it a Halloween fic. wink Just kidding. But who can resist a story with a costume? I can't.

Oh, it can be gfic or nfic. Though I SHOULD be able to tell (I would hope!) just mark if it's nfic on the submission too.

Stories need to be in my email box by... November 6th? That's four weeks for you guys. smile Feel free to try and throw readers off the scent by sending in more than one entry.

If you have any questions/comments/suggestions feel free to post in this thread. I'm totally open to any and all.


Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile