Wendy, I just discovered this story last night when I did what I thought would be a quick little wander through the boards before bed.

Well, I stayed up reading the whole thing, including Tank's original story and your "fix" of it. I had no problem identifying Tank's ending, either... (Tank, you stinker!). laugh Yep, stayed up pretty much the whole night... but boy, it was worth it!!

Clark's fears-- the recurring nightmare and his conviction that he will hurt someone (no "might" about it, huh?) with any physical interaction-- are beginning to be revealed. He's recognized that this "no physical interaction" thing is getting extreme; that's a good first step to unbottling it all and talking about it, right? And Lois has probably heard quite a bit of his nightmare-- and she's holding him.

She's so attracted to him, and he to her-- in an overwrought emotional state, this might overcome their individual (and erroneous) fears.

I, too, enjoyed Lois and Henderson's interactions. (And Clark's and Perry's too, by the way.) You've fleshed out Henderson's character so much more: you've given him and Lois a past (although he doesn't know that part of it) and made him a three-dimensional, appealing person.

Lex is creepy as heck (the bugs and cameras: /me's skin crawls)-- and somewhat out of control? Or diabolically clever? Hide in plain sight? Nobody that rich and powerful would take chances like that-- so he must be "being framed" (sorry, that's awkward grammer, isn't it?)? The damage and arson to Lois' apartment was (glaringly) obviously not an accident. And sitting in that bar in plain sight-- and guys with flame-throwers torching buildings in an area Lex is known to be interested in?? laugh


TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler