yeah, that was fast (me puts a fake unconvincing tone and face) smile1, couldn't resist either wink

So I have carte blanche to point out the good (and bads...if I could ever find any)? Well, thanks! But I would've done it without approval, LOL.

ok, er...I'll be very original by saying: I really liked this section. When will SQD actually *stop* to write good section, the evil Cyad in me wonders? laugh (yes, I can be evil too, only I hide it well).

Lois reaction to "through herself fully on the battle" is so...well...Loisy! And it's so evil of you to keep the Kents and Lois and everyone on the guess when it comes to Clark/Superman how should I put it...'current health state'? <beg> even if they assume he's dead. I also wonders what will happen to Clark, I always thought you were a supporter of happy endings blush

Okay, me is torn between begging for a happy ending (on second thought, forget it, I'm not the begging type!) Then, there's the bitch part in me waiting for a real nasty and devilish, er, let's put it the Purgatory way: Clark escapes, gets back to Lois (that's for the happy part) and then our happy couple gets in more and unescaping deadly trouble (that's for the evil part)...I'm jk here, ater all, it's up to you!

Go on like this thumbsup


PS: noticed how I didn't say anything about a possible part five? :rolleyes: