From The Secret Files of Tank
Subject: Lois Joanne Lane

Lois is a fit and trim woman of average height. Extremely attractive, but not in a flashy 'supermodel' type of way. I always find the best way to describe her is that she looks like you wish the girl next door looked. She has dark eyes and dark hair (which looks better in shorter styles) and can manipulate her 'look' to be able to fit into nearly any social environment.

She is of above average intelligence with the ability to make intuitive leaps of logic with little factual basis. It's a gift that has helped her achieve success in her field at such a young age.

She is passionate about her work and things she believes in. She has few real friends but is fiercely loyal to those she does have. She is focused, almost to the point of ignoring everything else not related to her current quest.
She is not above taking physical risks to facilitate her investigations on the job but she shys away from emotional risks in her personal life.

She can be stubborn and has trouble admitting when she's wrong (which isn't often). Her single-minded determination to 'get to the facts' has been a boon to her career as an investigative journalist but it often blinds her to any side issues that may be present.

She often comes off as cold or aloof to strangers and others not directly involved in her current quest. This is mostly a factor of her not wanting to 'waste time' with people and things not important to her current crusade. This is an attitude which became greatly moderated as Clark's influence grew on her over the years.

Early on, her unfortunate past with her family and previous romantic liasons, left her closed and defensive when it came to relationships. She had built walls around her feelings so as not to be hurt by others who disappoint her. To the outside world she was this independant career woman who didn't need a man, or anyone else, to be happy or complete. Inside she doubted herself and her ability to love, or be loved.

This all changed when Clark finally broke through those walls. She is still independant and very capable of existing on her own, but she has adcepted love into her life and realizes how special it is to be able to give and receive love unconditionally.

Lois Lane is a very complex individual, but like all people she has grown and changed as her life brought her into contact with other significant individuals and situations. Superman, then Clark Kent have easily had the greatest impact on her life.

Lois has always been a loyal friend, and a formidable adversary. Her growth as a person over the years has only enhanced that.

Tank (who, for some reason, has been called Lois Lane obsessed)