i'm not the *best* person to be commenting on this, as I think I've seen only about the equivalent of one season, but one major trail of events that feels familiar is this:

lois comes into or gets into a situation, panics, over-reacts wildly, and takes the backlash, with bits of it occasionally spilling onto other people. faces the music, and after a good think (or 20 mgs of ck and call me in the morning), fires the sweet shot, the picture perfect fix, whether it's perfectly honestly fessing up on a misinterpretation of a situation or person, or something physical to do, a puzzle to work out, etc., and she ends up buttoning up things so well, sometimes they end up being better than they were to begin with.

these are just vague remembrances from someone who only saw some of the series when it was actually airing/being produced, and hasn't seen it since. blush more and clearer interpretations to follow from others. wink