rather significant co-dependancy. And maybe that's not so bad.
I don't see it so much as co-dependancy, more along the lines of being each other's reality check.

While I love that this story is pyschologically based and makes for wonderful heartfelt reading, the fact is pyschology today is full of crap, and a lot of people need to be told to just suck it up and find a way to make themselves better.

I know, I know the pyschiatry industry would have a "munchausian by proxy" fit hearing this, but there are such things as healthy co-dependancy if one can find the right partner, and the way Yvonne has portrayed L and C in this story seems that these two NEED each other, they can heal each other, they can help each other, they are GOOD for each other.

...and Clark is not a wuss, he just needs Lois to verbally kick his butt for him a coupla times.